
What is the state of the decomposition of compulsory psychiatry, its accelerating implosion in Germany?

The time horizon until they disappear is getting shorter and shorter. When the Luntic -Offensive was founded in 1980, it was still a distant dream, but the first glimmer of dawn was already in sight in early 1992, when incapacitation was renamed “care” so that it could continue to be practiced, but it was already being hypocritically and euphemistically disguised as an alleged “loyalty” to those affected. The next step, six months after the Foucault Tribunal in 1999, was the statutory introduction of the power of attorney as a legal instrument to determine who has priority over a court-appointed caregiver, even in highly personal decisions on health issues. The so-called “scope”, i.e. what can be ordered, was still unclear until 2009. On September 1st, 2009, the Patient Advance Directive Act came into force, which allowed those affected and their representatives to make directives about all illnesses in all stages and, of course, to prohibit all examinations and thus diagnoses. This struck at the heart of compulsory psychiatry, and since then the rule has been: Insane? Your own decision!
In 2010, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN-CRPD) also came into force. It accelerated the process of decomposition of compulsory psychiatry. What remained were the problems when someone had not (yet!) signed a patient directive of the PatVerfü type, and the persistence of the criminal justice system, which is determined to lock people away in forensics for an unlimited period of time on the grounds of alleged “incapacity to be held responsible” and to practice forced treatment there in a manner similar to torture.
So this still has to be finally discussed in our favor, either in Karlsruhe at the Federal Constitutional Court or in Geneva by the UN Committee for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Or in Strasbourg at the European Court of Human Rights.
The UN-CRPD became the driving force behind the UN (through the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly calling for non-violent psychiatry and thus the abolition of forced psychiatry since October 2023, see: https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/373126. This also invalidates the alleged “justification” of forced psychiatry that it is medically necessary treatment.

Forced psychiatry more and more on the defensive
Since March 2022, the German Society for Social Psychiatry (DGSP) has been publicly calling for the abolition of forensic treatment. Since November, we have been distributing the results of the essay competition, thousands of times (Dignity is the highest value in the German constitution). Now the decomposition is beginning to make itself felt in the hardest and therefore most brittle part of coercive psychiatry. The result is that, for example, the chief physician of the Berlin forensic psychiatric system is vacating his post. At this year’s top conference of forensic advertising, its spokesman, Prof. Kröber, only made a sour face, almost contorted in pain, when he had to pass our protest in front of “his” Charité conference door.
In Lower Saxony, there are no longer enough psychiatric specialists to lock people away immediately. Our moral condemnation of their work for a prison system with a torture regime is making so many doctors shy away that politicians in Lower Saxony are resorting to extreme measures: they are trying “at all costs” to make all licensed doctors accomplices of the terror system, and are even ignoring the fact that the regional state parliament has no legislative authority to change the assessment rules. Similarly in Baden-Württemberg: “at all costs” they are persisting in their attempt to legally standardize outpatient compulsory treatment, contrary to existing laws and rulings of the Constitutional Court. All of this is just the swan song of coercive psychiatry, even if neither the German medical profession is yet prepared to take the violence out of the hands of their psychiatric colleagues, nor are European or German legislators prepared to implement non-violent psychiatry, which it must to be in accordance with human rights and the WHO.

Conclusion : Forced psychiatry no longer has any legitimacy,
because it is (and has always been) a violation of human rights, human dignity, and self-determination, and has lost all medical justification for its violence – it is naked violence. The revolution took place as if through a bypass. It is the movement of the times. Anyone who hoped for a revolution as a sudden event will be disappointed, but slavery and apartheid were not abolished in one day either; tenacity and patience were needed for ultimate success. At some point there was a tipping point and they finally became a thing of the past.

The sad thing is that is stated above is true, but what is true is by no means what people are prepared to accept as the truth. [Trumpism is a prime example of this.] So scapegoats are still being sought [“witch hunt”] and the psychiatric lies and the corresponding slanderous language provide an almost perfect basis for this. In addition, this is supposedly confirmed as “scientific” and disgustingly twisted as only for the “benefit” of those affected and in their alleged interest. It is even sadder when those affected then hope to gain an advantage by playing the victim instead of defending themselves against coercion, violence and repression. Although people are paralyzed by the violence of the powerful, the remaining scope for maneuver must be used – preferably politically.