European election recommendation (Germany)
No prospect of human rights-compliant psychiatry
Unfortunately, our survey of 10 parties and just under 600 of the 1,444 candidates who, according to the election manager, are standing for election, revealed only one party that is willing to comply with the demand for respect for human rights as represented by the UN and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) call for a non-violent psychiatry.
Since the German medical profession has refused to do anything about this, it would be the task of politicians to use their means to bring the medical profession to fulfill these basic principles of our society. The CDU/CSU (conservative party), SPD (labour party), Greens and Left Party (post communists) refused to answer the question of our election touchstone with pretended phrases: „The election touchstone should have been submitted before April 28″. This excuse came to nothing because we specifically pointed out that we could only ask the question from May 8th, as we had given the medical associations until that day to think about it, as can be read in the statement of accusation, see here and see here. These parties are therefore completely ignorant of the irresponsibility of the medical profession.
A response was announced by the FDP (liberal party), but not sent.
The exception was the Pirate Party, quoting from their reply: „Respect for human rights is one of the basic demands of the PIRATES in all situations. The same goes for respecting all kinds of international agreements and treaties. Read in full here
Mr. Schwarz from Tierschutz hier! (animal protection now) also made human rights the basis of his answer, see his answer here
Alice Jacobi from the CDU (conservative party) was evasive but at least answered, see her answer here
So we can only recommend the Pirate Party for election.
We would like to warn against voting for the Greens in Baden-Württemberg, as this party is apparently continuing to work on legalizing compulsory outpatient psychiatric treatment, see here.
We would like to warn against voting for the SPD-Greens in Lower Saxony, because the government there is trying to legally grant all doctors the power to carry out compulsory psychiatric hospitalization, see here.
Further warning: CSU (Bavarian conservative party) candidate Corinna Heiss is fixated on the slanderous stereotype of the „mentally ill murderer, subway pusher and monster“: the allegedly mentally ill person is to be used as a scapegoat for everything bad, see here.