Psychiatrie in Italien, Norwegen und China

Auch über die Psychiatrie und die psychiatrischen Praktiken in anderen Teilen der Welt wollen wir informieren:

1. Der Mythos: “In Italien gibt es doch gar keine Psychiatrien mehr!”
oder “Italien hat seine Psychiatrien doch damals aufgelöst!”
Dieser Mythos hält sich leider immer noch sehr hartnäckig.
Ein Todesfall während einer Zwangseinweisung in einer italienischen Psychiatrie letztes Jahr, 2009, beweist mal wieder das Gegenteil!

2. Über die Folter einer Minderjährigen in der norwegischen Psychiatrie durch Psychiater, berichtet der UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Folter, Manfred Nowak, der Generalversammlung der UN (Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) am 25. Februar 2010. -> Bericht auf englisch.

3. Wer sich in China “gegen erlittenes Unrecht”  beschwert, der kann schnell mal in die Fänge der Zwangspsychiatrie geraten und jahrelang mit Drogen und Elektroschocks gefoltert werden.
Die Tagesthemen berichten am 22.06.2010 von einem Fall und bezeichnet die “geschlossenen Anstalten” sehr zutreffend als “rechtlosen Raum”. Dass die Psychiatrien auch hierzulande rechtsfreie Räume sind, bleibt dabei wie immer unerwähnt.

Chronik eines Mordes.

Eine Überwachungskamera zeichnet den Mord eines Mannes durch die italienische Psychiatrie auf.
– Von Psychiatern und “Pflegepersonal” zu Tode gefoltert:
Video contenzione_tortura Franco Mastrogiovanni (Visione sconsigliata per i deboli)

“Er hieß Franco Mastrogiovanni, war Anarchist, und wurde am 04.August 2009 in einer der gewalttätigsten und kriminellsten totalitären Einrichtung der staatlichen Kontrolle ermordet: in einem Psychiatrischen Krankenhaus.
Zum wiederholten Male ein staatlicher Mord:
Der nicht verschwiegen werden soll, und auch dieses mal nicht, wie alle anderen male und wie immer, ungestraft bleiben soll.”

Italienisches Original:
“Si chiamava Francesco Mastrogiovanni, anarchico, è stato assassinato il 4 agosto 2009 in una delle sezioni più violente e criminali delle istituzioni totali di controllo: in un ospedale psichiatrico.
L’ennesimo omicidio di stato:
che non può passare sotto silenzio e restare,
anche questa volta, come sempre, impunito.”

“Ans Bett gefesselt mit Händen und Füßen, so soll Francesco Mastrogiovanni, Grundschullehrer aus Castelnuovo Cilento, gestorben sein. Er war 58 Jahre alt. Am 31. Juli war er in Krankenhaus San Luca di Vallo della Luciania eingeliefert worden: für ihn war eine gerichtliche Unterbringung nach dem “Trattamento sanitario obbligatorio” (dem T.S.O., dem Gesetz 180 [legge 180/1978] über medizinische Zwangsbehandlungen, Anm. d. Übers.) vorgesehen. Vier Tage später, am Morgen des 4. Augusts, wurde er von den Pflegern des Krankenhauses tot aufgefunden.”
Italienisches Original:
„Legato a un letto, polsi e caviglie. Così sarebbe morto Francesco Mastrogiovanni, maestro elementare di Castelnuovo Cilento. Aveva 58 anni. Il 31 luglio era entrato nell’ospedale San Luca di Vallo della Lucania: sul suo capo pendeva un’ordinanza di Trattamento sanitario obbligatorio.Quattro giorni dopo, la mattina del 4 agosto, gli infermieri l’hanno trovato morto.”


United Nations
Document No: A/HRC/13/39/Add.1
To the General Assembly
Date 25 February 2010

Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Manfred Nowak

Page 277


Country: Norway




Allegations transmitted:

Ms. E. H. A., aged 20, resident in Stavanger.
On 24 May 2005, E. H. A., at that time aged 16, was involuntarily admitted to the psychiatric ward of the Stavanger University Hospital. She had been taken there by a school consultant without her parents being informed or consulted although she had no previous history of violent or other disturbing behaviour. Since then, she has been kept at the hospital, most of the time in solitary confinement.

According to her mother, Ms. A. had gone through a difficult period, related to a possible sexual assault a few months earlier. This incident was reported to the police, but the case was dismissed by the authorities due to a lack of evidence.

Ms. A. has been forcibly administered different types of psychiatric drugs, despite her parents’ repeated objections. The doctors’ diagnoses have changed many times and do not appear to be consistent. Since her confinement, Ms. A.’s condition has deteriorated drastically: she allegedly has suffered from spasms, eyes rolled up in their sockets (dystonia), severe motoric restlessness (akathisia), memory problems, compulsive actions, incontinence, psychoses, dry mouth, teeth damage, inflammation of the
gums and gross weight gain, among others. Ms. A. may even have sustained brain damage due to the extensive use of neuroleptics and otherpsychoactive drugs.
After her mother publicly criticized her treatment, her visit rights were restricted and eventually denied for more than one and a half years between 2006 and 2007, and again for one year in 2008. The father’s visitation rights have been severely restricted as well. Following a complaint, the Control Commission concluded on 26 September 2008 that the decision to deny the parents visits for one year was illegal, but that Ms. A. should remain under involuntary admission.

For their part, the Regional Supervisory Authorities (Helsetilsynet) concluded on 16 July 2008 that the hospital violated Ms. A.’s legal rights related to free and informed consent to health care and the right to participation. However, on 4 December 2008, the Stavanger University Hospital filed a complaint asking for the father to be replaced as a legal guardian. An application for free legal assistance filed on 6 November 2008 on behalf of Ms. A. was rejected by the authorities (Fylkesmannen) on 11 December 2008. Her father’s appeal against the decision was rejected on 30 January 2009. A further appeal is pending. The decision rejecting the application for legal aid states inter alia that, since the issue in question is not of such great significance for Ms. A.’s welfare and her parents, it would not be reasonable that the public treasury pay for free legal aid. Due to a lack of sufficient legal advice the parents of Ms. A. were not aware of the possibility to challenge the decision of the Control Commission of 26 September 2008 before a court of law pursuant to chapter 7 of the Norwegian Mental Health Care Act and chapter 36 of the Civil Procedure Act.

Government response:
By letter dated 23/12/2009, the Government indicated that the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services has received information about the case from the hospital, and the facts described are completely different from those described by A. A. Norwegian regulations of compulsory mental health care comply with international human rights norms and standards. According to the hospital, none of these regulations have been violated. The case is now under supervision by the Norwegian Board of Health. Due to confidentiality regulations, no more details can be provided concerning this case.


Tagesthemen vom 22.06.2010:
Dass China die Menschenrechte auf vielfältige Weise mit Füßen tritt, wird immer wieder angeprangert.”

“Doch im Umgang mit den politisch Unbequemen kennt China noch einen weiteren Weg um sie loszuwerden: Die Zwangseinweisung in die Psychiatrie. Das trifft zum Beispiel Menschen, die Korruptionen aufdecken – am Arbeitsplatz oder in der Lokalregierung. Aber auch einfache Bittsteller, die gegen erlittenes Unrecht protestieren landen in geschlossenen Anstalten und damit in einem rechtlosen Raum.”

Mirror auf youtube:

Dies ist ein Hinweis des
Werner-Fuß-Zentrums gegen Zwangspsychiatrie
Vorbergstr. 9a, 10823 Berlin